Ants are arguably one of the most prevalent, and annoying, pests homeowners experience. Ants can invade your home regardless of the time of year, but ant infestations are most common in the summer months. Ants are cold-blooded insects that tend to find warm environments to seek shelter in during cold winter months.

However, once outside temperatures begin to increase, ants emerge from their shelter, and they are hungry. This leads to a common increase in ant colonies appearing inside your home and feasting on whatever food sources they can find. Additionally, ants prepare for their cold-weather hibernation by bulking up on food sources towards the end of summer and early fall.

Once an infestation begins, it is hard to get rid of ants, so prevention is key. Here are some tips to have an ant-free summer:

  • Keep a clean kitchen. Always be mindful of keeping areas where food is consumed or stored as spotless as possible. Rid food surfaces of crumbs by wiping, sweeping, and vacuuming after each meal, or at the end of the day. Clean cabinets and countertops on a daily basis. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink, and be sure to keep appliances like your dishwasher and microwave clean. If a food source is not accessible, the chances of an infestation severely decrease.

  • Store food in a proper fashion. Once you have cleaned your kitchen, you’ll want to fully cut off potential food sources from ants by storing all dry and processed foods in airtight containers (hard plastic, jars, etc). Additionally, it is recommended to keep all fruits and vegetables refrigerated when possible. Sealed off foods in cabinets and fridges, and on countertops, will effectively deter ants from your kitchen.

  • Repair cracks and crevices in your home. While ants can enter from virtually any opening, it is best to perform your due diligence when it comes to known vulnerable points in your home. Seal off any holes or cracks in your home’s foundation, windows, or doors, especially those at ground level. Repair screens and seal off wire entry points.

  • Prevent and eliminate moisture build-up. In addition to food, ants need moisture to survive, so minimizing moisture exposure is key in safe-guarding your house from a possible ant infestation. Repair any water leaks around pipes and other potentially problematic water sources, such as your roof and gutters.

While ants are far more common pests in the summer, there are ways to fight back against a potential infestation. But when preventative measures fail, the experts at Millette Pest Control are ready to enforce more effective solutions. For further information or for a free estimate, please contact us.